1) I'd like to clarify the rationale behind lots my recent posts. I see maintaining an organizing economy society as the most important thing, because it is the only way we can continue to feed such a large human population. https://twitter.com/SteB777/status/1387461085637320705
2) Unfortunately, the current economic model and general model in our society, is the pursuit of economic growth (in essence the pursuit of greater personal wealth). This is the primary glue that holds our current organized economy and society together.
3) I see this as putting our societies in a precarious positions, because systems based on the pursuit of growth, especially economies and societies, are prone to collapse. This is derived from ecological principles where continued growth tends to cause instability and collapse.
4) I see humans as innately cooperative and social beings, driven to be competitive, because of the present economic model. In other words, people don't have to learn to be cooperative and to share resources, it is their natural state.
5) For the vast majority of the existence of modern humans (Homo sapiens) we lived in cooperative and egalitarian societies where resources were shared equally.
6) Whilst the pursuit of ever greater personal wealth, can apparently bring short term benefits in terms of the rapid development of technology, and higher living standards, this is at the cost of the long term viability of our civilization.
7) Therefore I believe, that to create a sustainable society, viable in the long term we need to change from a highly competitive society, pursuing growth at breakneck speed to a cooperative society, working together for the common good.
8) I don't see this as Utopian, because as I say people are innately cooperative, and have to be driven to be competitive. Our modern highly competitive society didn't just spontaneously arrive and those running our society constantly try to drive people to be more competitive.
9) Therefore, I am suggesting highlighting the practises designed to encourage and drive people to be competitive, and to ask if this is really a good idea? I want people to think about this.
10) I do not see any political ideologies as helpful as they all claim to already know what the problem is and what the solution is. Whereas for effective problem solving you need to remain open minded as to how to best solve the problem.
11) I believe that if people think about things and develop a good idea of how society runs, how we are reliant on natural systems to sustain us, then people will innately work together to maintain a sustainable society.
12) Part of this means understanding the precariousness of a system based on continuous growth. This growth system did not arise spontaneously but was developed by wealthy people pursuing even greater wealth and power at a time when few had the vote or an influential voice.
13) In other words, I am not warning about the dangers of societal collapse because I am saying we're all doomed. Rather it is to highlight why a system based on continuous growth puts us in danger, and why we need a more cooperative rationale.
14) Once again I believe in people's good sense, when they see things clearly and are not misdirected by misleading false ideas.
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