I’ve been seeing a ton of slander for this song and I am tired of it. This song is a solid 9/10, with only one issue, fix it and it is top 10 Eminem songs OAT. Here is why this is the case:
In Your head is part of the final three tracks of revival. The song before this track is “Need Me”. So what’s the best way to transition? Talking about someone who Em needs in his life: his daughter, Hallie.
The song begins with the sample of “Zombie” from the Cranberries. A zombie can be described as a person who has died and lost functionality of their insides. The chorus questions their thoughts and why they are acting erratically, coming to the conclusion of them being a zombie.
This chorus is a perfect representation of how Marshall is feeling in the inside. The verses reinforce this message, with lines like these:
His first verse on the song goes into detail his lack of understanding for these emotions. He talks about trying clear his head by moving around town, wanting to restart life just to get away from his emotional troubles. He goes as far as wanting to hypnotize himself so he...
...won’t recognize anyone around him. Including family and friends. You’d have to be in a pretty depressing state of mind to think about this thoughts. He then goes on to state how he tries to get through each day but he always ends up thinking these negative thoughts.
He then ends the verse by commenting on his career at this point in his life, saying how his “comeback” of the recovery album didn’t get him anywhere new, just back to the place where he was before, and saying how if he was better he could be celebrating but now he’ll “relapse”..
...And do the exact same process all over again, and when you do the same thing over and over again, it’s insanity. It drives him crazy to see how unhappy he is. Leading right back into the chorus asking about what’s driving him crazy.
The second verse makes things personal. He goes in depth about how he got to the place where he is: rapping his ass off about anything and everything around him. Including his daughter Hallie. He shows remorse for how much he pushed her into the spotlight..
...and forced her to grow up isolated and abnormally because of him. He compromised who he was for the fame and now realizes that the things he said back in the day that were so outlandish; she is gonna hear them too if she looks for them. He fears that it may shatter her...
Perception of her father so he tries to clear the air and just say that he said those things he didn’t mean just because they were controversial, not because he believed in it. He then realizes why he feels the way he does. Because he feels like he hurt Hallie doing this music...
Detailing about how much he feel like a piece of shit he feels like for his actions. He realizes that he broke his own morals for the money and laments on that. He ends the verse by saying that he really wants to run from these issues and clear his mind that’s driving him crazy.
The rhyme scheme of both verses are also technically impressive, keeping up the same rhymes with multiple syllables for that long is stunning, not to mention that the rhyme scheme revolves around Hallie, the one thing in his life that he still feels the same passion for...
...and he feels like he can never let go of, despite acknowledging in these verses that he talks about her too much. His love for his daughter goes beyond his own instincts and he is struggling to find balance within himself.
His flow is one of the best parts of this song. Although some may see it as extra choppy, there are two reasons for it: To make the rhyme scheme pop out to be noticeable and for authenticity sake. If you are venting to someone and it is really shaking you up: your not gonna be...
...talking normally at all. You’d be sobbing and struggling to get words out. This is the second usage of this type of flow, to show how bad his mental state is when thinking about this process. It’s beautifully disruptive.
In addition, once this track about his emotional troubles and his mental state is in its final moments, Em decides to transition to castle, a deeper look into Marshall’s history and the things he did to get to this point in his life. This song is integral for the album overall
only issue I can see as valid on this track is the mix of it. The chorus vocals are much quieter than they need to be and even some of Marshall’s vocals get drowned out by the beat. Could be an artistic choice; insinuating that none of these thoughts are clear to him, but if...
...that is the case, He should have done the devil voice from “Careful What You Wish For” for some adlibs, and very slightly distorted some of his main vocals. This would have given an impression of him fighting his demons while still keeping the fogginess of his emotions.

In Your Head is a great track, using almost all of the ingredients used to make it important from the flow to the sample to the lyrics. It has a mixing issue, but fix that and it’s a 10.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this! It was fun doing it, AND it was my biggest tweet without a co-sign. So thanks 😆

Lets do it again sometime...

Anyway, go ahead and Follow me, I post my shitty opinions all the time 😅💀💀

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Gonna go ahead and at some of the people looking forward to this @dantheestan @Despicable_mf
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