So Penn State is currently holding a webinar called "Is your syllabus oppressive?" and they think that no one is recording and they have a safe to say what they want.

What could possibly go wrong? 😈
"I will be using the word white and I will be talking about whiteness. That used to be very uncomfortable for me"
There was just the most uncomfortable long silent pause after she read this slide.

She just paused for like a full 30 seconds for dramatic effect.
"Sometimes I say definition because that is my colonized way of thinking"
The definition of privilege there is interesting because it assumes EVERYONE in a single group has access to the same resources based just on their race.

Which, of course, is stupid.
"There's religious privilege, there's sexual orientation privilege, there's privilege based on people's region."
One attendee just said "what does it mean to earn access to resources"

Watch out, that's a future conservative right there.

The presenter responded that THEORETICALLY yes, we should all have access to privilege and be able to earn our way in.
The presenter: "I have a doctorate degree, which is a privilege that I earned....BUT I had the unearned privilege of being adopted into a family that had a doctorate degree so it's unearned"

It's like they can't make up their mind. Is your doctorate earned, or unearned?
"My brother-in-law is a cop and has privilege when he has the uniform on but when he doesn't have the uniform on, he DOES NOT have privilege."

She's trying to say that privilege depends entirely on context.
OH she just said "I have American privilege"
Let's learn about our whiteness, people!!!
It is an incredibly racist concept to assert that being white is superior.

Yet it is always the anti-racist people who say that.

If whiteness is socially constructed then you're also socially constructing it to be superior.

Why are you doing that? Racist....
"PERCEIVED black people" under people who may have non-white parents but pass as white don't count.
Now they're talking about how middle-class black communities use their proximity to whiteness to benefit themselves, and that's apparently white supremacy and needs to be dismantled.
For the record, they haven't talked about syllabuses at all, and it's supposed to be a webinar about that.
"This country is steeped in racism. It is in EVERYTHING that has been done."
"Racism IS American. It exists in other places but is central to this country."
"Most black or people of color or indigenous people have to be taught how to navigate whiteness because it is all around them."

"Whiteness is seen as normal here and it adds to this idea of white fragility and it can change the tone of a classroom experience."
"Most of my students were white....I taught at the University of Delaware....superwhite" - she rolled her eyes when she said that.
It doesn't matter if you are not a racist as an individual - it only matters if you are trying to dismantle the system, which is assumed to be racist.

If you are not trying to dismantle the system, then you are a racist.
She's talking about wanting to eliminate colonialism and racism so that individuals can achieve full autonomy....but that doesn't even make sense because the logical end of their ideas does not lead to autonomy.
Colonialism is apparently the "need to come in and be the solution to the problem"
The presenter is talking about how she only caused harm when she tried to solve other people's problems and so now she lets people figure out how to solve their own problems.

"everyone is not seen and treated as human....they do not have access to power and equity in the way they deserve it"
The thing that bothers me the most about these trainings is that they are always 100% completely inauthentic.

It is all performative, for the presenter and for the attendees.

These people don't really know who they are, and it's sad. They use this as a replacement.
"Maybe you don't want to be white but you want access to the privilege"
"white privilege creates the space where people who are white don't have the capacity to see the humanity of others"
"We can just try to deconstruct the system and then everyone can operate in their full dignity and human autonomy....that's my goal" ---- THERE IT IS!!!!! She just said the quiet part out loud.
No one wants to do her positionality questions and she thinks everyone is scared and showing their white fragility LOL
Ok I just bounced from the webinar because they were going to splitup and go into breakout rooms and I didn't want to be found out LOL.

That was wild.
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