Seeing research like this makes me wonder how neurodivergence is factored into (or out of) the construction of such shared realities. Definitions and testing of things like "interpersonal closeness" are largely based on neurotypically-normative assumptions, no?
I'm thinking of emails I've constructed recently where my language and intent was manifested in one reality of norms, yet was interpreted through the lens of an other, "typical" set of norms. The divergence of the norm assumptions in atypical vs typical communications misfired.
The more I think about this, the more frustrated I that consumer/social psych research is largely based on neurotypical assumptions. And I also wonder how much methodological *and* theoretical noise is the result of an omission of neurodivergence.
At best, there are *some* org sci papers that look at neurodiversity in employment/workforce. But limited at that. A cursory search in Google Scholar of some combo of neurodivergent/neurodivergence, autism, "social psychology," and/or consumers/marketing, yields little substance.
Anyways, clearly I've had a day...
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