💓💓💓 https://twitter.com/official_izone/status/1056722953423835138
I’m gonna start a thread here for all my messages to @official_izone !! hopefully no one sees this :) if you do pls ignore this thread
eunbi: firstly, sorry for not being a fan of you during pd48 !! i definitely do regret shading you multiple times 😭 you’re extremely talented and I’m so so proud of you. most importantly, thank you for being such a great leader for the group. you’ve done such a good job despite-
the responsibility of having to lead such a large group who has gone through so much ups and downs, especially after the rigging scandal. I’m looking forward to seeing you shine even brighter in the future 💓 all the best!
wonyoung: i seriously underestimated you during pd48. i even thought you weren’t deserving of the center position. and I would like to apologise for that because you’ve proved me completely wrong. you continue to amaze me every comeback. you have worked very hard and I’m really-
so proud of you !! having the responsibility of being a center at such a young age must’ve been really tough but you did such a fantastic job. please take care of yourself and rest well before you start preparing for your next debut. all the best 💪
sakura: out of all the members, I personally think you’ve improved the most in terms of dance skills !! you’ve become such an excellent performer and anyone with a pair of eyes can tell how much effort you’ve put in. thank you so much for everything you’ve given us. thank you-
for making the difficult decision of pursuing a career in kpop despite being already successful and popular in hkt48. you were huge boost in iz*one’s success and you deserve so much credit for that. and iz*one wouldn’t be iz*one without you. wishing you the very best 🖤
minju: MINJUUU 🥺 THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS MAKING US LAUGH WITHOUT EVEN TRYING 😭 out of all members, you’ve definitely grown the most and I’m always so so proud of you !! your charisma and confidence always amazes me. please continue serving us such strong and fierce performances-
in the future !! 🤩 I really hope you understand the power and impact you hold, because I seriously think you could become one of the best artists of this generation 💅 KEEP WORKING HARD 💕 wishing you the very best !!
hitomi: I’m seriously so proud of you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to adjust to such a different music industry, but you did such great 💕💕 you’ve put in so much effort into learning korean and improving your skills and it has really shown !! I’m glad you’ve gained so much-
confidence 🤩 please stay healthy and take good care of yourself ☺️ remember to always stay true to the incredible person you are and continue to be fearless !! I’ll be here rooting for you. all the best hii-chan <3
chaeyeon: MY DANCING QUEEN 💃🏽 thank you for providing so much joy !! I am always in awe of how much talent you hold. YOU’RE THE BEST 4TH GEN DANCER AND NO ONE CAN ARGUE WITH THAT !!! please continue to take good care of yourself ❤️❤️ you’re going to be such an iconic star no-
matter where you go after this journey. KEEP SHINING BRIGHT !! we’ll all be rooting for you 😝 WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST
yena: YENAAAA 😭 another one I underestimated on pd48 💀 YOU’RE AN ABSOLUTE ACE. the strongest all rounder in the group!! thank you for always making us smile with your adorable and funny interactions!!! the energy you bring to iz*one is what makes you guys such an-
entertaining group. I will definitely be missing my yenyul content 😔😔 it seems that you’re schedule-packed with many variety shows !! please take good care of yourself and not pressure yourself too much.. I will be supporting you no matter where you go !! ALL THE BEST AHHH
nako: QUEEN ! you’re seriously so underrated 😭 I really hope you get so much more recognition because you seriously deserve it, especially with how hard you’ve been working over the past 2.5 years. you adapted so well to the korean culture and your dance skills are just 🔥🔥-
you’ve proven that you’re so much more than an cute idol that can sing. you’ve become an incredible performer. and you’ve constantly been serving vocals !! like those MR removed were really just you eating everyone else up 💀 THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK.
- I’ll be supporting you always !! ALL THE BEST
chaewon: first of all, let me just apologise for all the times I basically slandered you during pd48 💀 I never realised how talented you were and I regret that ! you have the voice of a literal angel and your stage presence I so captivating !! you’ve proven to everyone-
(including me) who felt that you were underserving to debut wrong !! thank you for constantly improving your skills and for blessing us with your voice ! thank you for giving us so much joy as well !!! your smile is just that powerful 😭 hoping the very best for you !! 😝
yujin: hey queen 🤩 I still can’t believe you’re two years younger than me wtf 😭 like how are you so talented WHILE being a mature and responsible legend at 17 ??? iconic tbh 💅 you’ve been such a great pillar of support for the group and it’s going to be so weird to see you-
with another group :/ nonetheless, I’ll be wishing the very best for you!! your next group is so lucky to have you and I’m confident you’ll make an amazing leader 😎 take good care of yourself 🤍 thank you for all the joy you’ve given us
yuri: another one i underestimated during pd48 💀💀 once again, sorry for ever shading you 😭 you’ve literally become my bias wrecker 😂 you’ve become such a great performer overall and YOUR VOICE WAS BLESSED BY GOD BTW 💅 !! you have such a great and adorable personality and-
you’re so so so so precious 💕💕 thank you for always making me laugh AND thank you for writing someday .... that song is an actual masterpiece ! I am really hoping you achieve all your goals and continue being successful after this journey 🤍
hyewon: ok this is gonna be really long 😭 out of all the members, I’ve probably been supporting you the longest. you had my support from the ‘don’t know you’ performance. despite the lack of skill and confidence, you still decided to be brave and take up challenges to push-
yourself harder. it’s nice to support an idol with talent. but it was even better experience to see you blossom in front of me. I don’t think I can convey into words how proud I am of you. with every comeback, you gave it your all. and I think that’s what matters in an idol. -
you never gave up on yourself no matter how much everyone tried to put you down. and it feels satisfying because I believed in you and you’ve really grown so much. your ssots and panorama fancams have been so good and I can’t believe I’m watching the same person I saw on pd48. -
thank you for all the laughs and comfort you’ve given me. thank you for being such a great friend to the other 11 girls. I know your future might seem uncertain right now and even I’m worried for you. but I know you can bring more success and while showing us even better-
performances. please keep working hard. take good care of yourself. I’ll be here to support you no matter what. I promise. 💖
to all members: once again, please take good care ! I know all of you are hurting right now. but please also look forward to the next chapter of your life. this isn’t the end for us. you will see us wiz*one’s again !! and yes, at an iz*one concert, in a time where this-
- horrible virus is gone and we can watch you irl !! not sure if that will take months, years, or even decades... but it will happen ! so don’t be disheartened. wiz*one’s will be here forever :) goodbye for now 💞
- end of thread -
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