About to join the #Moderna gang
Feels like I'm at an airport again – bei Corona Impfzentrum Hamburg
Ha looks like I was getting in line for the Pfizer gang instead!
It's going slow in Germany, but it's going! #PfizerGang

This does feel like an important moment in time.

I want to acknowledge that it's still not straightforward to get vaccinated in Germany. I got this shot because of a preexisting med condition, but not everybody can yet.
It takes a few more weeks until everybody in Germany is eligible, but then progress still depends on supply.
to this day, only 25% of Germans got their first dose and it paints a pretty awkward picture https://twitter.com/impf_progress/status/1387391156384931846?s=19
I revised this thread to remove a picture showing the batch number of my dose in my UN vacc passport.

I learned that there are assholes scraping images to produce fake passports and there are bigger assholes that buy them.
We need a digital vacc pass pronto!

h/t @beate
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