A thread: Louis Tomlinson's 369 Merch Drop, Soma Block Facts & Symbolism.
The Soma Block is Seven pieces made out of unit cubes must be assembled into a 3×3×3 cube. The pieces of the Soma cube consist of all possible combinations
of three or four unit cubes, joined at their faces, so at least one inside corner is formed. There's 1 combination of THREE cubes that satisfies this condition & SIX combinations of four cubes that satisfy this condition of which two are MIRROR images of each other +
Thus, 3 + (6 × 4) is 27, which is exactly the number of cells in a 3×3×3 cube. So a Copy of a Copy of a Copy. The puzzle was sold with a booklet inside, which displayed 36 standard figures and solutions to be made – however 3 are impossible including the famous “W-Wall”
There is a good thread that explains the mirror, walls and 369 connection here https://twitter.com/steIIouIas/status/1387424507896418308?s=20
Piet Hein, the creator of the puzzle, took the name from Aldous Huxley’s seminal work “A Brave New World” – where Soma is an addictive drug taken by the inhabitants of the “the establishment”, when they are neither working nor busy. +
In the book When they experience strong negative emotions, citizens take a soma “holiday” to distract them from the unpleasant feelings. John sees soma as a tool of social control. He says that taking soma makes the citizens of the World State “slaves.” So Louis having the block+
In pieces could represent him breaking out of that control, embracing the negative or unpleasant feelings and taking back control. Here is a bit of the summary of the book.
Anyway that is the end of the thread so far! I just found all of the history behind it to be very interesting! This is my first thread, so be nice and I hope you like it! Follow me on tiktok too sunflowerueroda
You can follow @sunflowerueroda.
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