Medevac is one of the most common training events of the @UN_MINUSMA mission rehearsal we are doing.

Here’s a bit more about the medical chain we’ve got. 1/11
First, every team has a Team Medic. Normally you’d train 1 per 4 person team, but given we’ve gone for 1 in 2. Double the medical provision.

Team medics provide care in the first 10 minutes.
Next in line is the Combat Medical Practioner or CMT.

Each company/squadron has a couple of these. Professional RAMC medics, they move with the Sgt Maj or in the Ridgeback ambulance.

Medical care within the first hour.
We also hold paramedics. Even better medical care allows the stabilisation of casualties on the move to the next stage - surgery.
Next we enter the Unit Aid Post. Normally you’d want to get here within an hour, but with the CMTs forward, you’ll have already met that timeline within the company.
Collocated with the UAP is our Surgical Group. A team normally used by UKSF, @3Cdo_Bde and @16AirAssltBde, it provides damage control surgery better than you’d get in your local A&E. Let’s have a closer look…
The Group is made up of 17 surgical team members: 5 consultants, 3 nurses, 3 theatre technicians, a radiographer, a biomedical scientist, 3 trauma medics and Simon - the OC.

He’s got 28 years of experience in the Army, including 9 operational tours.

This patient was from a road traffic incident, rushed in by C Squadron of the QDG …
This UN peacekeeper was wounded in a simulated IED strike.

He was on a helicopter within a few minutes of surgery finishing…
This soldier was wounded in a simulated attack by ISGS.

Even if these incidents never happen, it’s reassuring to have the medical chain there for the mission.
One piece of kit the surgeons bring is a satcube/Skytail, which allows them to @Skype the uk for specialist advice during surgery.

When the soldiers first saw it they thought the medics had brought their BBQ!
In all, the 2 R ANGLIAN Med Group is another example of the power of a closely integrated team.

Soldiers from different units and cap badges working together to deliver @MINUSMA a unique patrol force.
Of course this thread is littered with typos - the problem with tweeting at the end of 2 1/2 weeks in the field.

First hair cut since Christmas is due at EndEx.
You can follow @WillJMeddings.
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