How to manage your time like a CEO

Here are 10 strategies (used by CEO’s) that you can use to improve your time management skills

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I researched, listened to interviews, and learned how CEO’s manage their time. With so much on their plates, I realized the same strategies they use to manage their time can be used by anyone who wants to become more productive and efficient with their time
1) Agenda Driven:
A recent Harvard study found that the most effective CEOs are agenda driven and students of their calendars. They plan out their week/days in advance, and stay committed to their schedule.

Managing your time well starts with planning your time well.
A common strategy is schedule bulking, where some days are full of meetings and some are free to focus on work/strategy.

It was also observed that most CEO’s block off their mornings for their most meaningful/deep work, saving meetings and shallow work for later in the day.
2) Plan but be Flexible:
Planning every minute of the day can be counter intuitive and anxiety inducing. It’s important to block time to get tasks done, but a common strategy is to create open "reactive blocks" in your calendar. This time is to handle unexpected tasks.
3) Prioritization:
CEO’s are really good at prioritizing the most important tasks. While many things seem urgent, they assess which tasks are important, urgent, or both. They focus on the tasks at hand with the most importance, and work their way through their list.
The Eisenhower method of prioritization is a matrix based solution to this issue. You take your tasks and put them into 1 of 4 quadrants. A CEO’s tasks is to put out fires/ urgent tasks (if any) and then move to tasks that are not urgent, but important
4) Be Proactive, not Reactive:
Sometimes everything can seem urgent, but CEO’s are diligent with setting an agenda and dictating what’s prioritized. They are proactive about getting their most important tasks done or delegated before reacting to inboxes or requests of others
5) Debts and Assets:
CEO’s understand which tasks give you time and which ones take it away. Time assets can take time to set up, but ultimately give you more time in the future. Done by automation, streamlining processes, delegating tasks, or any form of time multiplier.
Time debts are the tasks/actions you make today that take up time without freeing more time in the future. An example is email. These are typically unavoidable, but can be automated, delegated, or even deleted.

CEO’s focus on creating more time assets and eliminating time debts
6) 80/20 rule:
Known as the Pareto principle - states that 20% of any given cause leads to 80% of any effect.

CEO’s focus on the 20% most important tasks that yield the biggest results, and delegate the rest.
They can also dedicate 80% of their time on important tasks, and spend 20% time delegating

Sometimes CEO’s have to do everything when starting out, but as their company grows, they focus most of their time on what’s going to have the biggest impact.
7) Mindfulness
Time management isn’t about working every second of the day, but optimizing time to be more productive. Many CEO’s practice mindfulness and meditation, which are proven to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Clearing your mind boost productivity.
8) 2 Minute Rule
If a task takes less then two minutes to complete, do it now. An easy time management tactic that can be applied to your professional and personal life.

Completing tasks also builds momentum for the rest of the day
9) Prioritize Health:
Most CEO’s have regular exercise routines to keep their minds sharp. They’re passionate about health and working out. They do this because they understand that a healthy body and a healthy mind gives them more energy and focus throughout the day.
10) Intentional about Personal Time:
They're strict about scheduling time to spend with family, read, or practice hobbies. CEO’s put in long hours, but understand the importance of taking time to relax to avoid burnout.

A long term investment when it comes to time management
Overall there's no one size fits all when it comes to time management.

Some techniques work better for others, some people do their best work at different times of the day.

The key is to experiment and figure out what approach works best for you to make the most of your time!
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