My major concern with people taking excessive & largely unnecessary precautions like washing their clothes every time they come home, sanitising obsessively, & wearing a mask outdoors when far from people & when alone is that these things can give people a false sense of security
They might then become lax about protecting themselves from the main ways COVID is spread, through the breath of an affected person, in closed spaces with or in crowds. I have heard so many people confused about how they got it even when they were seemingly being 'so careful'.
But the reason they felt this way is because they were wasting time & energy taking largely unnecessary precautions & being careless about actual human-to-human contact, particularly when those humans are familiar to them. Be careful for sure, but focus the energy where necessary
I have relatives washing clothes when they came home & having dinner parties or sanitising everything & going to work where mask-wearing is lax & then being genuinely confused about how they got it, saying ‘well there’s no point in trying at all. We were being so careful!’
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