In 2015, following lobbying by big 4 audit firms, @David_Cameron & @EricPickles killed off the #localgov Audit Commission, creating what @TransparencyUK described as an "enabling environment for corruption" #wallpapergate
The loss of the Audit Commission removed independent public oversight of #localgov audit & financial decision making, placing it in the hands of the big 4 audit firms, Grant Thornton & BDO, who had been busy greasing the wheels of the UK🇬🇧Govt #corruption
Today @Research_Act published 'Democracy Denied' which outlines the experiences of citizen auditors in 45 #localgov councils across the UK🇬🇧. None of the issues they flagged have been acted on by auditors, who have blocked all avenues for legal challenge
The report, by @Research_Act, claims councils & #localgov auditors ‘obstructed’ attempts to hold them to account, were ‘painfully slow’ to respond to objections &, in the cases considered, not a single public interest report or court referral was made
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