Exotic personal facts:

🥾Hiked on Camino de Santiago twice

🦘Travelled Australia for 6 months

🏝️Lived on remote Costa Rican sandbar for a year

🤿Became SCUBA divemaster in Honduras

🏄Learned to surf in Bali

😆Got my ear pierced in Bangkok
In my 20s, I saved up to travel by working as a cleaner, grocery store worker, tour guide+sonar technician.

My discipline was unreal. I had my eyes on the prize which was seeing the world+having new experiences.

2008- Oz

2010- Around the world

2012- Costa Rica+C. America
While friends were going on with further education or settling into careers, I was saving up to travel.

I had incredible experiences most people will never get to.

Travelling in your 20s is *the* best.

I am a pro on shoestring budgets.

HMU for free tips.

#Travel $ttot
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