25 Habits of Highly Productive People

// THREAD //
1. They don’t multitask

2. They close their inbox

3. They eliminate distractions

4. They’re not deterred by failure

5. They take small steps
6. They start the day early

7. They ‘eat the frog’

'Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.' - Mark Twain

8. They reward themselves

9. They eat smart

10. They plan the night before
11. They use productivity apps

12. They exercise

13. They delegate wisely

14. They learn to say ‘no’

15. They know the best shortcuts
16. They use automation

17. They weed out non-important tasks

18. They set clearly defined goals

19. They know their best environment

20. They use music strategically
21. They rest their eyes

22. They have tidy desks

23. They know when & where to take a break

24. They seek out advice

25. They love what they do
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