common thing I'm seeing:

person A: doesn't know what an NFT is

looks it up, reads accurate description

A: that can't be right, that sounds like complete bullshit. I must be missing something.

dear reader: you are not. it is bullshit.
this is what an NFT is.

I walk into a gallery and ask to buy an NFT of a painting.

I pay the asking price and they print a fancy receipt and give it to me. also the receipt printer uses more electricity than a small town.

they keep the painting. I just get the receipt.
'why the fuck would anyone pay for a receipt?'

because it's a scam. they want you to think the receipt is valuable because it's the only one in existence, and you can resell it for more than you bought it for.

'who the hell is buying receipts?!?'

the people running the scam
oh I forgot

a lot of the time the artist may not even know their art is hanging in the gallery and didn't consent to having planet-destroying receipts made of the 'sale' of their art
at least with tulip bulbs you get a pretty flower.
i see a lot of people in the replies asking follow up questions. they can all be answered with 'it's a scam'

'why use blockchain?' it's a scam
'why not give $ directly to the artists?' it's a scam
'how can you make something digital unique?' wait for it... it's a scam
'but wait this doesn't make any sense...' because you're assuming there's any sense to make. Once you see NFTs as a scam and most cryptocurrency as a libertarian cult, everything comes into a much clearer light.
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