There is something highly suspicious about the revised 2020 Census Bureau state population data which determines which states pick up & which states lose seats in House. Suddenly there are 2.5 mil more residents of blue states, & 500k fewer residents of red states than estimated.
These are the giant differences between the official 2020 Census count and the December, 2020 estimate. Nearly all of the big unexpected population gains were in blue states, and most of the unexpected population losses were in red states. Coincidence?
The New York population number was revised UPWARD by some 850,000 people. Implausibly, that is double the combined population of Buffalo and Rochester. During COVID hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers LEFT the Empire State.
Why does this matter? Remember: a switch in three or four seats in 2022 elections could flip the House and take the gavel away from current Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. Also, many federal grant distributions to states are based on their population.
The original projections for the Census reapportionment had New York losing two seats, Rhode Island losing a seat, and Illinois perhaps losing two seats. Instead, New York and Illinois only lose one seat and Rhode Island loses no seats.
Meanwhile, Texas was expected to gain three seats, Florida two seats and Arizona one seat. Instead, Texas gains one two seats, Florida only one, and Arizona none.
The table below shows the states that “gained” and “lost” the most population since December estimates and Team Biden took over the Census.

But something is fishy here and Congress should demand an investigation.
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