Mermaids would be *so cold*
Marine mammals can have literally tens of thousands of pounds of muscle, so why do you never see a jacked dolphin? Or a ripped whale? Water.
Water transfers heat dozens of times faster than air. Flowing around a body, water can sap heat dangerously fast through *convection*. This is why falling into frigid water is so serious, and hypothermia so common
Large marine mammals get around this problem with blubber, fat that acts as a buffer to the heat sink that is the ocean. Without this layer, animals would lose core temp too quickly to survive for long. Keep in mind the ocean can be *freezing,* like just a few degrees above 0
Aquaman, mermaids, sirens — with their svelte selves submerged in ocean water — would be SO COLD. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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