Why I take advice from almost no one (and why you shouldn't either):

1. Responsibility for Outcomes

When someone gives advice,

unless they're employed with you and directly benefit from the results,

they have no "skin in the game".

They have experience and ideas, but they could care less what results you get from following the advice.
2. Your Game vs. Their Game

Never (never) *never* are two people playing the same game.

We all have different goals, different strengths and weaknesses, and different ways of thinking.

Another person's advice is contextual to THEIR situation, and can't truly understand yours.
3. Tactics vs. Systems

Most advice is tactics. Growth hacks, life hacks, quick hacks. Garbage.

Systems and processes that automate distribution, sales, and product development drive long-term results.

Not tactics.

Note: If it's not written down, you don't have a process.
4. People Aren't Truly Honest

Generally, people will tell you things you want to hear. Not give advice you truly need.

Tactics, hacks, and lofty outcomes sound too good to be true.

If the advice doesn't rhyme with "Take action and figure it out", it's not relevant to you.
5. Results Horizon

If you're paying a consultant to give you advice for quick results, they'll do just that.

But quick results are only temporary.

The advice you need is advice that changes your outcomes forever, not temporarily.
Who do I take advice from?

1. My wife.
2. Operators who show their work.

... that's it.

My wife is the only person truly aligned with my goals and future.

Operators have direct skin in their game, and if they show their work you can adopt processes that benefit you.
I almost never take advice from anyone who actually *gives* me advice.

I take advice by observing behavior.

I do what others do, not what they say.

I emulate the people I want to be like.

I look at their whole life, not just the money they make.
Observe the games others are playing:

Authors who aren't operators are making money writing books.

Course creators who aren't operators are making money selling courses.

If you want their results, do what they do (write books, sell courses, etc), not what they say.
If you want direct advice from someone you want to be like,

ask them what *they* do, not what *you* should do.

Take the advice and figure out if it aligns with you.

Can you replicate their processes?
Does it create the results you want?
Does it feel like work to you?
My advice to you is that you follow me here: @jdnoc
You can follow @jdnoc.
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