BREAKING: #G7 Digital Ministerial declaration is hot off the press and boy! does is it juicy. Some highlights:
a. for the first time, standardisation has made it into the declaration. there is a lot good in there but there's also this: "We commit to international collaboration
WITHHIN the G7 and with like-minded partners in relevant fora to ensure that the development of digital technical standards supports our core values". It is not about the Internet's core values (or needs); but about states' values.
b. language on 'harmful' content is in the
declaration; not 'illegal', ' #harmful'. "We note that despite some positive steps and technological improvement, harmful content and activity remains widespread online.". This follows much of what we are seeing in terms of legislation around the world.
c. there is a commitment to coordinate on "enforcement approaches, market characteristics and policy initiatives related to competition in digital markets, including in existing international and multilateral fora."
All in all, the declaration goes into more substance than before and there is also much more talk about telecommunications networks and much less about the Internet.
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