i’ve come to a sad yet predictive conclusion that neither @samvaknin nor @hgtudorktn understand #narcissism despite expertly appearances - -

if they both claim Meghan Markle to be a narcissist, which is obviously - obviously to every empathic person on the planet, not true...
predictive ... because the primitive rapinae human is unable to *rationalize reality, it only reflects it..

*third stage in the evolution of human mind that belongs to empathic/ sensitive human beings:
1) reflect - the rapinae
2) replicate - the social NT
3) rationalize - empath
Sam Vaknin is a hack

who has *reflected the works written before him, fooled other scholars that he understands the subject, made an appearance of an expert but he is unable to process what’s before it ->
makes applied errors (Obama, Markle) which show absence of understanding;
#narcissists are hacks, they hack reality they don’t understand -- having access to only one dimension of reality processing: *reflection..

it is a mirage, a cracked mirror puzzle piece that doesn’t fit together -- creating discrepancies, U-turns, contradictions, obvious errors;
Glenn Greenwald is a hack

who convinced everybody (except liberal empaths) he does Real Reporting™ while all he does is Real Reflecting™

which explains the sudden switch from barking against neoconservatives to barking against neoliberals - an unexplainable otherwise U-turn;
is H.G Tudor a hack as well?

logically yes.. he presents a beautiful, seductive mirage in his works, that suddenly and completely melts when we’re confronted with otherwise nonsensical, shockingly ugly smear campaign against an Empath..
a #narcissist, i call benignly the rapinae, is able to reflect reality perfectly in better resolution than reality itself - -
but it keeps looking in the mirror, keeping up reflecting what it sees, and never understanding it, nor remembering it..
this was, ladies and gentlemen: *rationalization

a lil theory, expanded, supported by three exhaustive examples/ arguments, summed up in a very logical conclusion

*third phase of the evolution of human mind

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