The fact that Darwin is more trusted than the the actual documentation from primordial man is bizarre to me. The world tricked everybody into worshipping Einstein and Darwin. I do think y'all dumb. I love y'all but y'all dumb. More flood Lord! More
The entire planet: man is related to man by the hand of God
The first humans: man is related to man by the hand of God

Darwin: so monkeys...
Y'all: GENIUS!
Darwin saying we all from South Africa and nary a South Africa in ya charts?! It should be in EVRYBODY'S BLOOD.
Darwin invented evolution theory to make Big Foot (the missing link) a billion dollar franchise
But most importantly, Evolution IS A THEORY. Despite their "findings", it has NOT been proven. Despite how y'all cling to it, it is a theory. Which is not the same as fact. If y'all not God's, y'all monkeys. Make up y'all simian ass minds
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