i’ve seen way too many self-identified spiritualists, conspiracy researchers, & truth-seekers hearing that their theories have the potential to be wrong, which is incredibly ironic. here is what i’ve noticed. [THREAD]
the lack of knowledge behind the meanings of words.

- spiritual ≠ good
- esoteric ≠ evil
- high vibrations ≠ good or welcoming energy
- false claims on the etymology of colloquial terms to prove spiritual blockages in language
spiritual is not synonymous with good. being spiritual just means that you’re attending to what aligns with your soul or human spirit. not all human spirits or souls are inherently good. the next word might shock some, but it’s nonetheless true.
any human who chooses to be consciously spiritual is automatically inducted into the world of esotericism. esoteric doesn’t mean evil, it just means hidden. spiritual & mystic teachings are by default esoteric because the general public is not automatically exposed to these ideas
“high vibrations” has nothing to do with positive or negative emotions. it just means a faster frequency. this also ties into the false claims that quantum physics or mechanics proves metaphysical or spiritual concepts. it does not.
there is no such thing as a language that is inherently tying down the spirituality of a person. language is intrinsically tied to humans & the human spirit, which is why language is as complicated & complex as it is. to claim that a LANGUAGE is somehow
metaphysically cursed is so medieval ages 😭 not even in shakespeare’s time did they consider their own language as demonic or cursed...because even to the superstitious, they know that language has always been a tool made to communicate for as long as humans have existed.
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