1/ Did you know that 1 in 5 children have a diagnosable mental health disorder? #mentalwellnesswins #DCSchoolsRecovery
2/ Did you know that almost half of the children in DC have had at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and 22 percent of children have experienced more than one? #MentalWellnessWins #DCSchoolsRecovery
3/ Did you know that if unaddressed, these can result in chronic physical health issues & lower academic performance as well as contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline or even lower life expectancy; this is especially true for kids with 6 or more ACEs? #MentalWellnessWins
4/ Did you know that trauma-informed training, social emotional learning programs, and access to mental health professionals are proven solutions to support students with mental health issues. #mentalwellnesswins
5/ Did you know that program resources and additional mental health staff come with a large cost but have a proven return on investment? #MentalWellnessWins #DCSchoolsRecovery
6/ Now that you know, here are the solutions: #MentalWellnessWins #DCSchoolsRecovery
7/ #mentalwellnesswins First, invest in our schools. Urgently ensure schools have access to mental health professionals to fully fund the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) school-based mental health expansion: +6.4 million to expand to at least 80 more schools, then
8/ restore the cuts to community-based health providers that families who are most vulnerable to economic insecurity and trauma, who are disproportionately Black, brown, and low-income, rely on. This would add $5 million in federal dollars because of the multipliers. Then...
9/ ...ensure all schools have the resources they need to provide high-quality, culturally-affirming & responsive, & evidence-based social emotional learning programs as well as trauma-informed training and restorative practices for all staff. Est. $10.8 mil. #mentalwellnesswins
10/ That’s not all. We also need to improve cross sector communication between @DMEforDC @DCPublicschools and @dcpcsb #mentalwellnesswins #DCSchoolsRecovery
11/ Then the @DMEforDC should develop and share best practices around partnering with families and communities. #MentalWellnessWins #DCSchoolsRecovery
12/ After this is done families/parents can’t be left out and so developing and sharing best practices around partnering with families and communities is a must. #mentalwellnesswins #DCSchoolsRecovery
13/ Lastly, we need to take steps to increase equity, accountability, and sustainability in school based mental health supports #mentalwellnesswins #DCSchoolsRecovery
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