inspired by @Aaron_Skyguy we are going to make our own thread with this reaction based on #StarWars characters
Qui-Gon when Shmi said "there was no father"
R2 when Luke's X-Wing started transmitting coordinates to Exegol
Rey when the Dyad connection showed her a topless Kylo #Reylo
Cassian Andor when he saw Galen Erso get slapped by Director Krennic through a sniper scope
Palpatine when he realized Rey wasn't going to chop him down like a Sith would
Jar Jar when he was told how much that snack on Tatooine cost
Din Djarin whenever anybody touches Grogu
Bo-Katan when Mando walked in with the DarkSaber casually
Snoke when the lightsaber cut him in half
Watto when Sebulba's Pod crashed
The #Empire when #TheBadBatch runs away with Omega
Aunt Z after the #FirstOrder started putting recruitment flyers in her bar #StarWarsResistance
Kanan after the #Empire took Hera on Lothal #StarWarsRebels
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