Tw- death threats

To be clear no one equates the hate N gets to death threats or what Yuzu went through at pyc. We're saying that people on here hate and throw so much vitriol, his family found out and talked about it to the point fans had to spam positivity on his tag

Tw- racism

Here's just some of the stuff twitter has done/said THIS SEASON. In the middle of stop asian hate btw.

Again I'm not saying others haven't faced racism, neither am i comparing their experiences. Im just saying these things happend and in the AAPI thing I'm just asking why in this instance it was mostly ignored?

what was 'he's Asian American so he doesn't face as much racism"?

why did that get so many likes and no angry uproar?
did we all forget he talked about being scared for his parents saftey?
Why did people attack another asian American skater for sharing their experience?
Scoring discourse is one thing, most fans agree his pcs compared to jason and Y is a bit high. But it is very commonly taken into "wow he doesn't try to improve" "he only wins cause of his passport" and used to justify hate as critisism or valid points & critisism’s are used -
and twisted to make nate fans seem dramatic and overreacting.

People were saying his own sister was overreacting to the stuff she saw, and then proceed to make fun of the fact she found out
And if you cant see why thats not cool then, imo, you're either
A) actively part of the problem
B) don't see it
B) ignoring it
C) don't care its happening
Im very sorry for the bad/ radical fs stans who are assholes and go after y for... Anything basically, but, the majority aren't like that.

I've activley seen nate stans talking about the Westernism, body comments, etc Y deals with. I've seen very little push back from most fanyus about the hate N faces, infact anything negative about nate, even if its plain false, will get 100s of likes

Forget the plain falsehoods about nate getting 100s of likes on here, as do quotes of context

His fans talking about isu and correcting the falsehoods will get ss and put on blast no problem, and very few people outside nathanators will say "not cool"

Even when he gets called stuff like
"arrogant twit", there's no "hey! calling someone that isn't nice!" It gets likes instead. This one only got about 12 i think
| understand how this discourse went
from "hey! you could be a bit nicer, you know?." To "atleast we're doing it lol" to "its not like Y never received hate and worse!" But i genuinely don't understand why. And why there's a competition of
who's had it worse

Stuff like this, happens all the time, where some radical or crazy stan says something and all others fans of him (and ch*n himself sometimes) are brought into it.

I also don't understand why If theres discourse about one, the other is usually brought in at some point? Why is there this constant comparison? Why can't what they do outside the sport even, not be compared?

My point here wasn't "Why are you censoring his name!!? Dont."
It was - "this way of censoring came up because people were making fun of that situation and were mad their shit talking got called out, could we please not use it?"

In all the tweets i got/saw, only ONE person went "yeah, i get it, using nc or something isn't that unreasonable for me to do"
Tw- death threats
If there are any accounts wishing death on Yuzu, i and most nate fans would help in a heartbeat if you sent them our way. I'm sorry him and his fans had & have to face that.

You should also understand most Nate fans don't speak Japanese, we don't know what happens unless the English speaking part of the fandom tells us.
We're also going to react when the same group has gone after and made fun of nate multiple times, and quite often with things taken out of context/ out of his control/ plain false.
At the end of they day treat them like they treat eachother, with respect and kindness
Lol, just realized the numbering is wrong 😅
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