Heres recap of truth of yesterday

Every gay person that came at me would slap my ass in public or want to suck my dick if they met me in person

no I didn’t block gay people, I blocked everyone that replied with pronouns in their damn bio

sensitive fucks with identity problems
I can bet a majority of those people don’t believe in God or unfortunately aren’t blessed, its ok I prayed for yall before going to sleep last night

Yall got good and bad mixed up big time
All live in a highschool mentality with anger and internal problems that need to be solved because theres no reason to be 21+ and constantly looking for a fight with people you never met personally, thats pure mental illness and you need to seek help and heal
I am literally love and light, I will never fight anyone for 2 reasons 1 bc i rather not kill anyone and 2 because its simply ridiculous to want to lay hands on another human for just an opinion, we can talk for a reason

And if you hate me its because you hate yourself.
And telling me to not show up to a fest or else expect x is again highschool mentality and for your own good I hope you don’t do anything stupid, because the person that will get ejected from the venue will be you not me
Begging me to say the n word is literally asking and seeking for negativity like again highschool mentality grow the fuck up, Im not saying it on Twitter and im not saying it in person
Finally my family friends and peers are all mixed of race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, I dont give a shit about any of that to me everyone is human, if you are a good human I fuck with you

If theres a group of people I don’t like it is close-minded people
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