A thing that lives in my head rent free is that the GOP let hate drive the bus & sacrificed their best chances to win over voters of color with Colin Powell. Yet somehow Republicans still send me angry FB messages about not supporting Owens, Carson etc.
I'm not a Republican & I would happily watch the GOP collapse Karen, but also you don't want Black voters to vote. If you did, you would be asking why every Black conservative that wasn't a coon or a clown had their career sabotaged by the party.
I don't even believe in political decisions being popularity based, but I can read the proverbial room. Don't send me angry missives about what you think Black feminists should be supporting & not look around at the Black people the GOP will back & ask why.
No one listens to Owens or Carson or Dash & thinks "Yes, this is a perfectly competent person I want making policy decisions because they sound so reasonable & prepared to lead. I mean, you can try to lie about it but no one's really fooled. You didn't want Powell or Rice to run
And yes, the Dems snatch defeat from victory quite often. But I can at least see some effort to plan for a party future. It's wild to see Republicans blame feminism for the failure of the party to win over Black women voters like this is our job. No, Ken that's on y'all.
A space ship could take every Black leftist, liberal, quasi feminist & their communities away tomorrow & the GOP still couldn't win over all the Black conservative women left behind. This thread brought to you by assbags in my inbox who are going to die mad.
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