All the students out there and feel that a whole year will be wasted.A draft thread,just to get you going. I need help from @NajamAli2020 @rogueonomist @durre_nayab_ @UzairYounus @wyounas @thelahorewala @2paisay Would request @wyounas for editing, improvement, blog post. 1/n
1- Limit your social media. Half an hour should be enough
2- One hour exercise or outdoor games or cycling
3- Develop a reading habit. My book suggestions would come later
4- Make the best use of youtube.
5- Improve your writing and comprehension skills
6- Even those who hate maths, download some good mental math app.
7- Solve crosswords or jumbles
8- Improve your handwriting
9- Learn basic programming or how to make good quality presentations or master Excel.
10- Help someone on daily basis. 3/n
1- The Black swan by Nassim Taleb
2- The Fifth Discipline by Dr. Peter Senge
3- Creativity by Robert Fritz
4- Master it faster by Brain Tracy
5- The blink and other books by Malcolm Gladwell
6- Factfulness by Hans Rosling 4/n
7- Your life as Art by Robert Fritz
8- Seriously Curious: The Facts and Figures that Turn Our World Upside Down (Economist Books)
9- Fiction of your own Choice. Add some classic authors like Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain and so many others
1- Nassim Taleb Lectures, interviews. To get a better understanding start from 2007.
2- Hans Rosling Lectures
3- Dan Ariely
4- Dr. Peter Senge
5- Naval Ravikant
6- Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam
7- Brian Arthur
8- Brian Tracy
9- Edward de Bono (Thinking Course)
10- Subscribe to some channels which have book summaries

Curricular Activities:
1- Start with subjects or subject areas that you find the most difficult. In most cases we develop an aversion when we don't get the basics right. Identify your weak areas and work on them. 7/n
Curricular Activities:
1- Start with subjects or subject areas that you find the most difficult. In most of the cases we develop an aversion when we don't get the basics right. Identify your weak areas and work on them. 8/n
Dont repeat the topic from the same book that you studied earlier and gave you a headache. Scroll other books. Choose the one which makes the topic interesting and an easy read.
2- Attempt Exercises, if you can't get the solution or answer. Avoid looking for an answer. 9/n
Be stubborn, and don't give up easily. Attempt again, check the concept again.
Once it took me a month to solve a surface area problem. Easier solution was there, but I couldn't get the right answer by using the formula.
To be continued....
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