This analysis of vaccine holdouts, based on thousands who have answered surveys, lays out the road ahead.

The good news: We can get to herd immunity without the 15% of Americans who refuse to get vaccinated. But we need many of the 20% who are hesitating. 
Republicans, compared to all respondents, are twice as likely to refuse vaccination.

37% of refusers, compared to 21% of all respondents, say they're very likely "to register as a user for a potential social media website created by ... President Trump." 
Most government-distrusting vaccine refusers affirm that “The government is filled with people with ulterior motives of manipulation and control.”

One in three affirms that “The vaccine was developed to control the general population by injecting us with a ... tracking device.”
Some vaccine refusers say they don’t need vaccination, since they previously had COVID and therefore developed immunity.

But surveys suggest that refusers, compared to the general population, are *less* likely to have been infected. 
Bribes (which WV is trying, in the form of $100 savings bonds) also work. A Kaiser survey found 30% of hesitaters would be more likely to get vaccinated if their employer offered them $50.

Raising the reward to $200 increased that number, but only to 38%. 
You'd think that penalties (e.g., not being allowed to board a flight without a vaccination certificate) would force the holdouts to give in.

In polls, that works on many hesitaters. But refusers say such requirements make them more likely to hold out. 
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