Once upon a time, there was a crisis.

A tsunami washed away countless number of people alive, and buried many more alive in the sands.

When Indians were trying to give the dead their final rites and give closure, vultures were supplying medicine bags kept on top of Bibles. https://twitter.com/yayitsrob/status/1386680447950802944
When people were mourning, FCRA NGOS were building churches.

All this *moral* grandstanding and weeping in the West (especially in USA) is because this time India is rich enough and strong enough to say "no".

Bastards of the first order.
The org that these bastards maligned the most, dug up those buried in the beach .. left to decay. Gave them final rites. The pyre burned for days together. Want to know what happens when a system collapses under load? Look for photos of those days.

You know fucking nothing.
The org that did the final rites for the departed, did it without worrying about their religious affiliation while alive. Look up demography of the worst hit districts in TN and see who cleaned up after the Tsunami & who capitalised on it.

And hence this: https://twitter.com/SirJambavan/status/1387188041006161920?s=19
Men as young as 16 in ghanvesh (khaki half pants, white shirt and a brown belt) were digging around the sand with shovels, pulling out half decayed corpses, & dragging them to the funeral area. Can't lift it to a stretcher. They did it without distributing as much as a pamphlet.
Want to know how traumatic it would have been? I was collating photos these young men took, to facilitate identification by the police. I had fucking nightmares for weeks.

Don't you come and tell me that we have collapsed or that we need saving by the West. Don't you f'ing dare
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