The Fly - aware of the fleeting nature of his life - seeks beauty in his surroundings

He thrills in the gossamer silk of her web

Shudders as his wings are caressed, even as they are entrapped

Gets lost in her myriad eyes
And longs for the moment when he will finally be devoured.

The Spider waits patiently for the Fly

Fine tuned for each infinitesimal movement that announces his presence

She welcomes her victim with exquisite pattern

Woven from her own body with care, and intention.
The Fly goes willingly to his death

Trapped by the sigils that mark his everlasting curse.

Blackbird sits high above

Watching with dew-bright eyes

She waits - head tilted towards her nest and the shrill open maws of her hungry chicks.
The threads tighten and sway, and she swoops in, an uninvited guest at the party

Balletic movements in synchronous choreography with the Fly's muse

Unaware that she herself is muse to another Mother with feline mouths to fill.
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