Professionals I admire like @sjokz and @LaureBuliiV have questioned the idea behind *cough*the scam*cough* that @EsportsCi is creating. I'm saddened to see @CarlosR behind it.

I got a little heated, but please, don't call it a pro certification.
For more information, here's the announcement
How can you promote meritocracy behind an arbitrary paywall that doesn't reflect the diversity of geographic and personal situations of candidates, nor the richness of the jobs involved in esports?

If you want to be successful, follow this advice instead
And on a last note, this is a personal rant, and not affiliated with my employer.

But as we are actually a mission-driven company to Make Education Accessible (and it's in our legal status), I do hope that my colleagues would not be ashamed of me here :P
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