I've temporarily moved in with my parents and life is very different to how I thought it would be in my mid 30s...
There is a bird clock that tweetles every hour and there is a handwritten list of the birds by my dad's chair for him to check which one it is. Every evening I jump out of my skin at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm.. and still at 9pm that blue tit gets me
Yesterday I went on my daily after work walk with my mum ("I can't pass up the chance to walk with my daughter") to look into rich people's houses and then we went home and looked them up on rightmove. Don't worry, we all guessed how much they would be worth beforehand...
I bought a bag of mixed boiled sweets and we have spent more time than I would admit choosing one and exclaiming over the flavour. We have all been caught out by the unexpected salty liquorice ones, only mum managed to eat the whole thing
I saw a children's plastic crocodile on the floor and mum asked me if it was real
after a long period of being single, v bad dating, and then a year of social isolation, this is.... super nice? Dad brings me a coffee every morning, the birds sing all day and we go out and check on the garden, mum's bulbs have started to poke through. Happy times
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