And remember when Virginia went to the local Voodoo witch (a lot of people did) to poison her love rival, Vanessa but in the end resorted to impregnating her with the local GP's sperm whilst she was unconscious... with a turkey baster?
And when Gabi married Antonio against his fortune-telling latin-American stereotype mother's wishes but she really fancied his hot priest brother, Antonio and when they were trapped in the church during an earthquake they totally did it because they thought they might die?!
And when Francesca from Cole's high-end crime past came to the Beach and everyone suddenly had to search for the cursed Rosario jewels that turned everyone that possessed them into barren husks?
Or those few episodes where they all went on holiday together but there was a serial killer. For some reason.
Or when Annie found out that her psycho father had put it in his will that she wouldn't inherit until she'd married his old business rival Gregory who was already married to Olivia?! Also Annie's dream sequences...
Or the time that they let Randy Spelling rap...
And then the end when Meg woke up and the ENTIRE series was a dream and everyone from the show was in her old house in Kansas (get it??) but THEN she woke up again and the dream about being back in Kansas and it all being a dream was a DREAM. So meta.
Seriously, I watched this entire series at university where I also spent an entire semester studying Existentialism and Heidegger's 'Being and Time' which I can TOTALLY remember just as vividly. Something about Dasein...
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