🧵 on alternatives to "net-zero"

"CO₂-induced global warming stops when anthropogenic CO₂ emissions balance with anthopogenic CO₂ removals"

is a long version of

"CO₂-induced global warming stops with (net-)zero CO₂ emissions"

In short-form: "...emissions balance with removals"

In long-form: "anthropogenic emissions from sources balance with anthropogenic removals from sinks"

I have basically used UNFCCC language, not IPCC language. These policy makers had it right all along!

Twitter was very divided on zero versus net-zero. Though, there are many reasons. Clearly, science & policy are getting blurred here. Many say "zero" because "net" means continued use of fossil fuels.

I suspect technically, "net" is more correct, but not sure 100% correct.

The UNFCCC carefully defines the terms, & this allows explicit text to be written: "anthropogenic emissions by
sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases"

emissions are positive, removals are negative, no talk of "net".

The Paris Agreement uses the same definitions. With this, the intent of "achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases" is clear.

(one could debate if it means "anthropogenic removals", but on previous use ... yes)

The IPCC seems to be more ambiguous. Here, emissions include LULUCF, which is clearly a net concept (LULUCF is both emissions & removals). This is from SR15, but is much the same in AR5.

The most famous sentence in SR15, uses "net zero" or "net anthropogenic CO₂ emissions".

Elsewhere it is explained that net-zero means balance of emissions & removals.

So really, "net zero" is scientific shorthand?

After all that, back to the first tweet.
* It is best to drop the scientific short hand...
* Probably important to include "anthropogenic" to be unambiguous, noting anthropogenic is ambiguous!

"CO₂-induced global warming stops when anthropogenic CO₂ emissions balance with anthopogenic CO₂ removals"

or at least

"CO₂-induced global warming stops when CO₂ emissions balance with removals"

Not sure what people will think of this?

Comments welcome...

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