yoongi can’t say ‘no’ to the people he loves — a wholesome thread
just one glance from tae and yoongi was like “okay do it” 🥺
yoongi going fishing cuz jins asks him to 😭
yoongi wanted telepathy to be short but jungkook asked to add the humming at the end so they did
“sing telepathy for us”
🐱: i cant its too high-
“5, 6, 7, 8...”
🐱: *starts singing*
[suga is too nice to listen]
yoongi going “hey its not my job” but still doing it 😭
joonie asking if he could break up yoongi’s puzzle and yoongi going “o-okay”
yoongi did this knowing the taste would be bad
“take off your glasses”
“okay I’ll take off my glasses”
yoongi lifting the guitar immediately </3
“show your teeth”
“send a flying kiss”
ending with “im happy when you guys are happy”
don’t and d2 anniversary goals!
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