thinking about how a cruel god reigns can be considered as a masterpiece just from its fantastic and masterful use of imagery & metaphors to convey the intense emotional roller coaster that the protagonist is going through. each & every of them doesn't feel out of place at all.
the scene where jeremy is expressing his anger while ironing out a cloth and you can just feel the sizzling hot iron pressing down greg's face. it just makes you wince unconsciously.
the increasing suspense; hesitance mixed with helplessness to straight up anger. the misery is PALPABLE
when his face falls down on flowers and the panel transition it right to when his mother receive the same flower from the very person that abused him.
at this point i'm asking myself, when will the suffering ever end? if i'm in jeremy's place, there is only one answer to end all of this & it's such a chilling thought. just shows how the good the manga is at showcasing how horrific the things that he had to go through and endure
he is already considering suicide but the fear of actually doing it got to him. in other words, he's completely trapped & the only thing that he can cling on to move forward is his feelings of anger (revenge) & small sliver of hope that he could actually be free from all of this
alright sorry for the sudden rant & think pieces 😩✌️
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