
As a thumb rule, I consider people who base their political beliefs and opinions on memes as unworthy of having a conversation with. As a matter of fact, they are unfit for society and human civilisation.

What is happening to kids on Instagram is indoctrination.
A generation loose on morals and high on hormones is getting intoxicated with memes and senseless posts on Instagram. Every problem in India is because of one man - Narendra Modi. Every Modi supporter is at fault for what is happening in India.
What makes them think so? Memes.
In a state like Meghalaya, where the BJP and RSS in any case do not enjoy much favor, an absolute shit show is playing out among people who have the courage to call out Modi but shake in their boots and pants when it comes to standing up against local student unions.
So no, take this fake courage and political conviction and shove it up your ass. Did we screw up as a country? Yes. We lost track. We'll gain it back. We will win this battle. For that, you do not need to put on naked display an ugly show of foolishness.
You have no idea what India is. Your idea of India and its governance and its politics is limited to your understanding of memes and ScoopWhoop/FuckBJP propaganda. You don't have a right to virtue signal. Get to a corner, cover your face, and wait for this storm to get over.
I mean it. Don't throw punches above your ability. You'll end up with a swollen face and broken teeth. Perhaps then, you'll wear the masks and be an active contributor to India's fight against Covid-19 and be a bit significant.
@amitmalviya all of this said and done, the BJP' game on Instagram is rather shameful. Please focus on that medium. If Twitter can be conquered, there should be no stopping the BJP on Instagram.
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