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President (and U.S. Secretary of War) James Monroe; Associate Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan; U.S. Secretaries of State William R. King, James A.
Baker III, and Cyrus Vance; Italian Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini; the Allman Brothers featuring Chuck Leavell, INXS featuring Jimmy Barnes, King Crimson 1969, Roxy Music featuring Eddie Jobson, the Steve Miller Band featuring Lonnie Turner, and T-Rex featuring Steve Currie:
- 357 Sunday: Emperor Constantius II visits Rome.
- 1635 Saturday: State leaders accuse Virginia Governor John Harvey of treason and remove him from office.
- 1655 Wednesday: English Admiral Blake and his fleet destroy a Tunisian pirate fleet.
- 1686 Sunday: The first volume of Isaac Newton’s “Principia Mathematic” undergoes publication.
- 1758 Friday: The fifth president of the United States, James Monroe, was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.  He also served as the eighth U.S. secretary of war.
A Democratic-Republican, he served under President James Madison from 09-27-1814 to 03-02-1815 and then became president.
- 1770 Saturday: Captain James Cook, aboard the Endeavour, lands at Botany Bay, Australia.
- 1788 Monday: Maryland became the seventh state to ratify the Constitution of the United States.
- 1789 Tuesday: Rebelling crewmembers led by Fletcher Christian aboard the British ship, HMS Bounty, set Captain William Bligh and 18 loyal sailors adrift in a launch in the South Pacific.  Bligh and most of his made it to Timor in 47 days thanks to the captain’s seamanship.
- 1817 Monday: The United States and Britain signed the Rush-Bagot Treaty, which limited the number of the naval vessels allowed in the Great Lakes.
- 1818 Tuesday: President James Monroe proclaimed naval disarmament on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.
- 1896 Tuesday: The Addressograph underwent patenting by J.S. Duncan.
- 1898 Thursday: The 36th U.S. Secretary of State William R. King assumed his position on today’s date.  A Republican, he served under served under President William McKinley from today until September 16, 1898 before moving up to the federal courts.
- 1910 Thursday: Claude Grahame-White performed the first night flight in England on this date.
- 1914 Tuesday: W.H. Carrier patented the design of his air conditioner.
- 1915 Wednesday: The Allies finally bring a halt to German advances during the Second Battle of Ypres.   On the Eastern Front, a combined German-Austro-Hungarian army begins pushing the Russians back in western Poland.
Like a mail fist, the Germans pummel the Russians who had been making headway into Central Europe but were unprepared for what the Central Powers threw against them.
- 1916 Friday: In Lithuania, the Germans are able to make headway around Lake Naroch where the Russians had been launching one assault after another until bleeding themselves dry.
The Russians were once again trying to aid their Western Allies who were always begging them to sacrifice on their behalf so the French and British might be able to mount a successful offensive and push the Germans back.  Once again, it failed.
- 1918 Sunday: Gavrilo Princip, the assassin of Austro-Hungary’s Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, died in prison due to tuberculosis.   Meanwhile, British forces in the Mesopotamian Theater are able to push the Ottomans back to the Tigris River.
Everyone can sense the war is in its final stages; the question is, when will it end?  It would rage until November.
- 1919 Monday: The League of Nations undergoes founding on this date.
- 1930 Monday: The first organized baseball night game occurs at Independence, Kansas.  Elsewhere, in Houston, Texas, the 61st U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III died.  He began political life as a Democrat and then became a Republican.
He served under President George H.W. Bush from 01-25-1989 to 08-23-1992.
- 1932 Thursday: Scientists announced the creation of the yellow fever vaccine on this date.
- 1937 Wednesday: Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was born in the village of al-Oja near the desert town of Tikrit.  Elsewhere, the first commercial air flight across the Pacific Ocean occurs on this date.
Elsewhere, the first animated-cartoon electric sign went on display on a building on Broadway in New York City.  Douglas Leight was the creator of this innovation.
- 1939 Friday: Adolf Hitler claims that the non-aggression pact between Poland and Germany is still in effect.
- 1940 Sunday: Rudolf Hess becomes camp commandant at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.  Elsewhere, Glenn Miller records “Pennsylvania 6-5000” on this date.
- 1941 Monday: All remaining British troops in Greece surrender to the Axis troops.  The ones that could be evacuated were taken to North Africa via Crete and Malta.
With this victory, the Germans can return their gaze to the Soviet Union, originally scheduled for early-to-mid-May 1941 but now set back to June 1941.
- 1943 Wednesday: In the North African Theater, combined German-Italian troops of the Afrika Korps launch a major counterattack to dislodge Allied gains.  As long as they can keep Allied forces tied up in this theater, it prevents them from being sent elsewhere.
- 1944 Friday: In Washington, D.C., U.S. Navy Secretary Frank Knox dies.  Appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on July 11, 1940, Secretary Knox suffered a series of heart attacks that took his life today at age 70.  James Forrestal would take his place.
- 1945 Saturday: In Giulino, Azzano, Italy, Italian partisans executed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, as they attempted to flee the country aboard a German convoy.
Elsewhere, Eddie Jobson—future violinist with Roxy Music[i]—is born in Billingham, England, on this date.
- 1946 Sunday: The Allies indicted Japanese war criminal Hideki Tojo with 55 counts of war crimes on this date.  He would eventually go to the gallows.
- 1947 Monday: Thor Heyerdahl and his balsa wood craft Kon-Tiki set sail from Peru to Polynesia. He did this to prove that Peruvian Indians could have settled in Polynesia.  The trip began in Peru and took 101 days to complete the crossing of the Pacific Ocean.
- 1950 Friday: Future comedian, Jay Leno, is born in New Rochelle, New York.
- 1951 Saturday: The Majlis, the parliament of Iran, elects Mohammad Mosaddegh prime minister of the country.
- 1952 Monday: War with Japan officially ended as a treaty signed in San Francisco the previous year took effect.  Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, General Dwight D. Eisenhower resigned as U.S. Supreme Commander in Europe; General Matthew B. Ridgeway replaced him.
Elsewhere, Chuck Leavell—future pianist with the Allman Brothers Band[ii] and with the Rolling Stones[iii] since the 1990s—is born in Birmingham, Alabama, on this date.
- 1954 Wednesday: French Union troops are in good spirits that Operation Condor- the effort to open a tunnel through which the remaining defenders at Dien Bien Phu can make a breakout should all go bad in and around the base- is making good progress.
French Foreign Legionnaires and Laotian troops are fighting through one communist position after another but still, it will require another two weeks at least to be able to link up with the garrison.
Still, supplies and reinforcements are having a challenging time getting in due to the weather conditions and the iron ring of AA batteries surrounding French positions.
However, Legion paratroopers are crawling out into No-Man’s Land from Liliane 3 engaging communists in their trenches in hand-to-hand and grenades combat.  Every communist killed is a victory for freedom.[iv]
- 1956 Saturday: The last French troops leave Vietnam.  Meanwhile, future vocalist with the Australian rock band, INXS[v], from 1998-present—Jimmy Barnes—is born in Glasgow, Scotland, on this date.
- 1958 Monday: The United States conducted the first of 35 nuclear test explosions in the Pacific Proving Ground as part of Operation Hardtack I.
- 1960 Thursday: Future 112th Associate Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is born in Manhattan, NY, on this date.
She would be the second pick nominated by President Barack Obama to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States, filling the seat of outgoing Associate Justice John Paul Stevens.  Kagan is a member of no political party.
She took her seat on the high court on August 07, 2010.
- 1962 Saturday: In the Sahara Desert of Algeria, a team led by Red Adair used explosives to put out the well fire known as the Devil’s Cigarette Lighter.  A pipe rupture caused the fire on November 06, 1961.
- 1963 Sunday: At Broadway’s Tony awards, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” was named best play while, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” won best musical.
- 1965 Wednesday: U.S. Marines invade the Dominican Republic to put down uprisings and remain there until October 1966.
- 1967 Friday: Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali refused to undergo induction into the U.S. Army, the same day General William C. Westmoreland told Congress the U.S. “would prevail in Vietnam.”
- 1969 Monday: English progressive rock band King Crimson[vi] with Robert Fripp, Ian McDonald, and Greg Lake debut.  Elsewhere, Charles de Gaulle resigns as president of France.
- 1980 Monday: President Jimmy Carter accepted the resignation of the 57th U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance who had opposed the failed rescue mission aimed at freeing American hostages in Iran.  Edmund Muskie would succeed him on May 08, 1980 after being confirmed in the U.S.
Senate.   A Democrat, Vance served in this position from served from January 20, 1977 until today.
- 1981 Tuesday: In Portugal, bassist with the British rock band, T-Rex[vii], Steve Currie, lost his life in a car crash on this date.
- 1985 Sunday: The largest sand castle in the world underwent completion near St. Petersburg, Florida, on this date.  The structure was four stories tall.
- 1988 Thursday: A flight attendant died, and more than 60 people injured when part of the roof of an Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 tore off during a flight from Hilo to Honolulu.
- 1989 Friday: Iranian frothing-at-the-mouth Shiite zealots go crazy over Salman Rushdie’s novel, “Satanic Verses,” calling it ‘blasphemy’ and demanding the death of the author around the world—FUCK Islamist lunatics!
This is why God gave us the neutron bomb: to use on jihadist scumbags such as the Iranian mullahs and their hierarchy of religious crackpots.
- 1990 Saturday: The musical “A Chorus Line” closed after 6,137 performances on Broadway.
- 1992 Tuesday: The U.S. Agriculture Department unveiled a pyramid-shaped recommended-diet chart on this date.
- 1993 Wednesday: The first “Take Our Daughters to Work Day” promoted by the New York-based Ms. Foundation, was held to boost the self-esteem of girls by having them visit a parent’s place of work.  Later, the event expanded to include sons, as well.
- 1994 Thursday: Aldrich Ames, former CIA officer and wife Rosario plead guilty to spying.
- 1996 Sunday: Martin Bryant shoots and kills 35 in Port Arthur, Tasmania— the United States is NOT the only one to suffer mass shootings.
- 2003 Wednesday: U.S. forces open fire on a group of Iraqi protesters in Fallujah, Iraq, after they began throwing things and making threats.
This would be the focal point for the buildup to what would become known as the Battle of Fallujah in 2004, a make or break effort in the unnecessary invasion launched by the George W. Bush administration.
(Note- we think this is a prime example of the Deep State influencing a president into a war and then when it goes wrong, they abandon them to their fate).
- 2004 Thursday: In Fallujah, Iraq, violent jihadists begin assaulting U.S. forces.
This leads to amplified intensity on both sides as the American troops call in fire missions and air support such as C-130 gunships which come in station on scene and begin riddling the jihadis with gatling guns and rockets.
A recent poll released by CNN says that a majority of Iraqis see the Americans as OCCUPIERS while a small minority sees them as liberators.  What a flipping mess.
- 2005 Friday: Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez visits Havana, Cuba, so the two communist nations can foster better relations.
- 2006 Saturday: The Electronic Frontier Foundation has brought a lawsuit against the George W.
Bush administration alleging that the Bush administration and allies such as AT&T and the NSA maintain secret computer rooms where the Bush administration conducts surveillance on not only foreign terror suspects but on the American people.
The Bush administration then demonstrates that what the EFF alleges to be true is true by trying to use the State Secrets Privilege to block the lawsuit against AT&T and the NSA.  President Bush- why not flipping just say that YOU are spying on the American people?  WTF?
(Never really liked the Bushes but this is bad, really bad).
- 2007 Sunday: The so-called ‘religion of peace’ is busy today.  In Iraq, a mosque in Karbala suffers a suicide bombing that blows 55 worshippers up and on their way to meet with Allah far sooner than any of them may have planned.
Meanwhile, farther east in Pakistan, a suicide bombing there blows another 22 people to meet with Allah while also wounding several government officials and loads of other people going about their daily lives.
- 2008 Tuesday: The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services announces that of the 53 girls they rescued from the breakaway Mormon church at the YFZ Ranch, at least 31 of the girls between ages 14 and 17 are pregnant.   Meanwhile, the U.S.
Supreme Court upholds an Indiana law requiring voter ID during elections.
- 2009 Wednesday: RINO Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania decides to leap aboard the Obama train hoping to ride to future success on the coattails of the Bamster.  He switches from being a ‘Republican’ to being a Democrat.  Woo-ooo, good for you, loser.
A year later, the self-serving maggot would lose his seat to Pat Toomey.  No one likes rats, Senator Specter, no one.
- 2010 Thursday: A Palestinian mob approaches the Gaza-Israeli border and the are heaving chunks of concrete, rocks, and setting things on fire.
The Israeli Defense Forces eventually are forced to defend themselves and a young Palestinian man lies dead while the rest of them scramble off like the rats they are.  Gaza, do something to help your people instead of maintaining them in generational poverty and misery.
It’s not Israel’s fault.
- 2011 Friday: Thanks to the Obama Administration’s horrible handling of the U.S. economy and for pushing Obamacare, Panasonic Corporation reportedly plans to announce it will cut 40,000 jobs.  Meanwhile, troublemaker former one-term U.S.
President Jimmy Carter shares his views on North Korea with the world.  He just returned from visiting the godforsaken country and says that the ‘U.S.
and South Korea must stop starving the North Korean people, that it’s a violation of human rights’ and a whole bunch of other crap.  Jimmy: STFU.
- 2012 Sunday: The government of Bashar al-Assad accuses UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of ‘encouraging attacks on the government.’  Elsewhere, as Chi-Coms scour Beijing searching for blind dissident Chen Guangcheng who fled house arrest and into the streets, rumors are…
…flying that he somehow made his way to the U.S. Embassy where he sought refuge.  Not good for U.S.-Chi-Com relations but it is what it is.
- 2013 Monday: During the new swearing in ceremony of Enrico Letta, an Italian man shoots and wounds two police officers outside Palazzo Chigi.  Elsewhere, original bassist with the Steve Miller Band[viii]—Lonnie Turner—died on this date in Lebanon, Oregon, at age 66.
- 2014 Tuesday: The United States and its European allies hit more than two dozen Russian government officials, executives, and companies with new sanctions as punishment for their country’s actions in the Ukraine.
Meanwhile, two dozen tornadoes ripped through Mississippi, killing 14 people.
- 2016 Friday: Former Republican U.S. Senator Conrad Burns, Montana 1989-2007, dies at age 81.
- 2018 Saturday: The government of India announces that every village in the nation is now supplied with electricity, a major milestone.   Elsewhere, the trials of eight people alleged to be members of ISIS begins.
These scumbags have been accused of launching car bombings and shootings in Tehran and if convicted will be dangling at the end of construction cranes.
- 2019 Sunday: Disney’s Marvel movie, “Avengers: Endgame,” becomes the first film to generate more than a billion dollars on its release- in this case, $1.2 billion.  Wow.
Meanwhile, in HBO’s “Game of Thrones” “The Long Night” episode surpasses “The Lord of the Rings” Battle of Helms Deep (44 minutes) for the longest battle scene in movie history with a gory battle almost 88 minutes in length.  It’s a great one to be sure.  Look for it.
Elsewhere, in West Chester Township, Ohio, police stumble upon four family members shot to death in an apartment.  They are searching for the killer.
- 2020 Tuesday: News continues to break about “Pro-China Joe” Biden’s sexual assault of then-U.S. Senate staffer Tara Reade in 1993.  Meanwhile, Hillary Rodham Clinton- mum about those assault allegations- endorses former Vice President Biden for president on this day.
On the COVID-19 front, confirmed cases around the world now sit at 3,083,467 what with confirmed deaths at 213,824 but 915,988 confirmed recoveries.
In the United States, confirmed cases rests at 1,033,721, confirmed deaths at 58,947, but number of confirmed recoveries sits at 117,690, which is great.
Various states are reopening in bits and pieces and the outlook of Americans is that things are going to get better and they are ready to return to work now.
Meanwhile, calls continue going out as to why famed ‘anti-fascist group,’ ANTIFA, is not in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and other states with left-wing despotic governors doing battle with these would-be dictators.
- 2021 Wednesday: Stay tuned…
This artwork is #0448 an 18” x 24” original oil painting by Beverly Carrick, which, she entitled, “Rainbow’s End.”  It is among her more beautiful works and is available for sale.
You can see much more of her work at her Website, found at , or at the blog’s Facebook page.
At her Website, you will see not only more original oil paintings but also lithographs, giclees, prints, miniatures, photographs, and even her award-winning instructional video entitled, “Painting the Southwest with Beverly Carrick.”  Beverly has been painting for more than 60…
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