Thread on BPD/EUPD

Hi. As I’ve talked more about BPD I’ve had more people come to about what is it/what does it look like/advice on what if they have it so here’s a short thread detailing some stuff I thought might be useful
What is it?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) is a disorder characterised by a pervasive pattern of thinking that influences a person’s behaviour both towards themselves and others.
No two people with BPD/EUPD are exactly the same, just like any other disorder. Some people with BPD/EUPD have different severity with symptoms. For example, my biggest symptom is fear of abandonment but somebody else’s could be dissociation
There is no one single cause for BPD/EUPD but a number of factors including but not limited to are : genetics, brain chemical imbalance, brain development issues, sexual/emotional/physical abuse, childhood trauma, loss of guardian/parental figure etc
These factors can then shape your own personal worldview and how you relate to others. With myself, I often have a hard time accepting that people are not going to leave me as well as intense difficulty regulating my emotions.
Those with BPD/EUPD often have black and white thinking as opposed to a shifting spectrum of thinking. They find it hard to see the grey area of situations and thoughts and so for them things can either be 100% good or 100% bad.
Sometimes this can lead to a term called splitting. This splitting can happen following situations with loved ones that were upsetting. Splitting is devaluing or idealising somebody and shifting rapidly between the two. Not everybody with BPD will experience this.
The concept of a FP or favourite person is something that can be present for those with BPD/EUPD. A FP is often the person with BPD/EUPD looks to for emotional support and balance. I like to say it’s like a concentrated dose focused on one person.
As well as the classic diagnostic symptoms of BPD/EUPD there is other symptoms that can be present including sleep disturbances, mirroring, social withdrawal or isolation attempts, hallucinations etc
There is some overlap between BPD/EUPD and Bipolar as well. The difference between the two is that BPD/EUPD is a personality disorder and Bipolar is a mood disorder.
BPD/EUPD is still heavily stigmatised both in wider society and within psychology itself. There is a belief that those with BPD/EUPD are manipulative/obsessive/evil etc and a belief that they are ‘untreatable’. This is fundamentally untrue. BPD/EUPD is treatable.
DBT or Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is often assigned to those that have BPD/EUPD.

If you think that you may have BPD/EUPD, talk to your friends and loved ones about it who will be able to help you begin to understand a clearer worldview and seeking treatment.
I hope this thread helps and as always my DMS are always open if anybody has any questions

Also never film anybody during a BPD meltdown because that’s just extreme shittiness :)
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