I’m gonna do a thread on the pedophile’s interview on that idiot’s podcast so no one is even tempted to listen
Duke compliments him, says he’s the “talk of the town.” They discuss Rance’s name and its meaning. Duke then says “you’re known for having a safe, reliable ring” so people like to train with Rance
“High spots, who I’ve had a good relationship with” gave Chasyn some stuff to help build his ring. He says “I always try to make sure everything’s as safe as possible” and he “tries to put forth maximum effort in everything”
Rance says he has a list of 100 people who can’t use the ring. To get on the list you “talk crap about me online, or tell lies about me.” He says sorry doesn’t cut it to get off the list, either.
“From your perspective, why do the people who call you out do what they’re doing? You do have a criminal record, and you have some things on that record. Most notably a charge of sexual assault?” “No. Lewd—“ I can’t make out the charge name but I’m sure he’ll get to it
Duke offers Rance the chance to talk, “floor is yours 100%.”
“Ok. I was charged with lewd and lascivious battery of a minor and initially the charge was rape because of the situation I’m going to go into now.”
Rance tells a story about his high school gf making him choose between him and wrestling. She also cheated on him he says. He still sounds bitter about it. He chose wrestling
“The girl I got in trouble with is my grandma’s boyfriend’s daughter. I met her when we were both minors and it was always something where my grandma and her father were like ‘oh you guys would be such a cute couple’ and we were like ‘ok, maybe.”
Now he’s jumping again to going to wrestlemania with his students and one of them having a seizure. He brings this up to say he called his grandma’s boyfriend (now husband) for advice. Says they have a good relationship now.
He says in college wrestling gave him a concussion wherein he forgot his girlfriend broke up with him so his friends had to remind him
Trained at the NJPW dojo for a bit. “My partner there was TJ Perkins, who I still keep in touch with.”
I want to note quickly that I’ll be trimming the fat in this story. Right now he’s talking about how he was born a millionaire but his dad lost all of it in the stock market and they were homeless when Rance was 6. He sounds like he’s tearing up.
He’s talking about how he’s never smoked a cigarette or weed in his life. He’s still tearing up and sounding emotional. (ASIDE: this guy is predictably unbearable)
Says meeting girls/wrestlers got him into drugs but now he doesn’t do them. “I know there’s a lot of rumors about me selling pot and I don’t do that. I have a medical card now— I sold pot brownies when I was in school”
“The girl— she invited me to stay with her, cuz my grandma and her would have this talk on the phone like ‘oh talk to her please, she likes you, it’s be cute for you guys.’ And I said ok, and I thought maybe when I’m 35 and she’s 25 then it could be something.”
“My mom knew the situation and my dad knew and they didn’t think much of it. She would visit when she was 14 and I’m 24.... we were watching a movie and she tried getting a little too close to me on a couch and I just had to move away and tell the family ‘hey, I’m going upstairs”
“A little after that she randomly messaged me and said she lost her virginity and I said woah.” Talks about how he never wanted to get in trouble, but he did. “It’s like, what was I thinking? And it wasn’t when she was 14 she was 15.”
-Talking more about reconnecting with his high school gf and working the indies. This is some fat I’m trimming, for context.
-talks about living with Tommy End, housing injured wrestlers like R-Truth during his knee injury
-Konnan, Teddy Hart have lived with him too
Skipping ahead. “We’re in the night of question of what happened, the thing that got me in trouble. Danielle (?) Was supposed to stay with me upstairs but said she wanted separation, and she stayed in the downstairs room, currently rented by Tim Sibesco” (idk the spelling)
Now he’s talking about wrestling at the time, 2008, and says a lot of people compared him to Dean Malenko. He always said thank you but it wasn’t a compliment
He’s with other wrestlers in a van after the show “the girl’s there, she’s 15 and looks like she’s in her 20s. Nothing has ever happened with us physically. She looks older she acts older, she skipped through high school and moved to LA. She asks her dad if her and her friend-“
“-can come to Orlando with us.” They made travel arrangements. “Her father I found out is actually a sex offender as well. He says it’s not true, I don’t know I wasn’t there.”
Back to the night: Danielle is the “high school sweetheart” he didn’t name previously. She was going to stay upstairs with Rance. The girl and her friend were going to stay downstairs.
Says he and Danielle were in a rough patch in their relationship
-talks about Danielle cheating on him with one of Steve Corino’s students. As far as I can tell he’s back in 2002 now, 6 years prior to the incident
-the night in question is a party. There’s an abrupt pause. “I was charged with lewd and lascivious battery. I had a relationship with a girl who was near 16 when I was 25 and it was very wrong and bad and future attempts I turned them down I’ll get more into that. I never raped-
“-anybody I never forced myself onto anybody I never did anything like that. I turned down future advances. I was reported by the cops” he pauses and sighs
“We’re in the hot tub, I’m upset. Danielle is going around letting people smoke pot. Kirby Mac is providing Jaeger”
-“I’m messed up. I’m upset emotionally and I’ve been drinking.... Allie and— the girl and I we kissed in the hot tub in front of everybody. She did not drink and she did not smoke. She was offered a sip of a shot and she didn’t like it. She said she drinks, she took a sip-“
“-and I said don’t worry about drinking. I think she took a little bit but she was sober. I was just drunk and she wanted to kiss she wanted things and she’s very attractive she looks like she’s in her 20s, but I always had the block like ‘no it’s illegal.’ And it was always-“
“-Like the dads saying ‘hey go stay with Chasyn, it’s whatever.’ I’m a good guy, he’s known me for 8 years by then...” takes a break to say girlfriends’ families always like him, and students find him charming just when he’s being polite.
“We kissed, Daniel yelled ‘what are you doing?!’ and he said “take the girls and put them in the downstairs room.” Danielle and Kirby then went downstairs. Says another wrestler from North Carolina was making out with the other 15 year old
“I was in another state,” talks about being a hopeless romantic. “Danielle’s in the downstairs room talking to Kirby and I’m trying to sleep on the couch.” Talks about hanging out with Scott Hall. “I did something wrong but I just don’t think this charge speaks for what it is or-
“What people view me as. They’re talking and I can’t sleep. And I don’t wanna barge in... I just know something’s going on. I go upstairs and try to sleep in my gym because I realize the girl’s in my room.”
“I go to my room and it’s 7 in the morning. Again, we’ve never done anything.” Tangent about pay rates and AWA. “I’m in there and she cuddles up to me and I’m just a wreck, I don’t know what’s going on. This girl she’s very beautiful she’s smart and we start kissing.”
“One thing leads to another & she’s the one that says ‘go get a condom.’ And I got a condom. We had sex. It wasn’t her first time it wasn’t her second time, & after me it wasn’t her last time.” Talks about her later partners, and his brother. Says his mom always calls him a gift.
-“I was always the sweetest kid.”
-He’s crying and talking about memories with his grandfather
“We showered together after we had sex & one thing led to another. We were touching & I shouldnt be drunk but I’m sleep deprived or something. The woman I wanted to marry she’s downstairs & I’m being stupid, & a girl that loves me cares for me even tho she’s so young she’s 15/16-
He’s crying. He then talks about how he claims she lied on the police report, and implies the family wanted money.
Now he’s making more excuses. I can’t pretend to be unbiased anymore. This is horrific. There’s nothing else left of substance.
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