can we please talk about how much trauma george mcfly probably has… (a thread)
ike think about it. in this scene, he had been threatened by someone from another world. forcing him to interact with his future wife, in order to get the future they eventually end up with at the end of the movie.
in this scene he’s awoken by “darth vader from the planet vulcan”, and since neither star trek nor star wars had come out yet, these words meant nothing to him, and it was entirely plausible that he was being contacted by someone not of this world.
however, after getting the girl, and the movie ending, george mcflys life still went on, because the movie was set mainly in 1985 (post star trek and star wars), meaning, being the science geek he was, he’d likely seen both shows/movies.
how imagine this, you get your dream job, your dream girl, and overall your dream life, all because you were visited and threatened with death from an extraterrestrial. now, its 1967, you’re watching star trek for the first time, —
— and one of the main characters is from the planet vulcan. this freaks you out. however you could just pass it off as a coincidence, or you could consider that this fictional show is actually based on fact. for him, likely the latter.
now its 1977. 22 years after your alien encounter. 11 years after hearing about the “fictional” planet vulcan. now star wars comes out. the main villain, darth vader, shares the same name, and looks vaguely like the the alien you’d seen many years prior. —
— now you’ve heard about darth vader and the planet vulcan, and you’re starting to think this is way more than a coincidence.
now knowing both darth vader and vulcan are fictional characters, and not being aware that instead of them being real, it was actually your time traveling son, you grow suspicious, eventually convincing yourself that either gene roddenberry and george lucas are actually aliens—
— and retelling their stories from their homewards, or theyve been in contact with aliens and are creating their stories off of them.
likely driving you to a point of madness, because you no longer know if what you saw was real (as all these “coincidences” are seeming to prove) or if it was all just a dream, like your friends and family believe and/or say.
(end of thread)
anyways my dad was telling me this one day and idk i just think its very interesting.
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