Why masturbating is better than sex - A thread
You don’t have to worry about pleasuring a girl when masturbating. Not the case when you have sex.
You can speed up it slow down the rate you pleasure yourself, your girl may not be happy if you try this on her.
If you're wanking off to a girl on the Hub and you become unattracted to her you can change the girl you are wanking off to. If you become unattracted to a girl while fucking her you usually can't just ask another girl to fuck you.
Girls can chat shit about how bad you are in bed behind your back. Nobody can chat shit about what porn you watch unless you tell people about it.
You usually have to wear a condom while having sex. You can just put a bit of toilet roll at the top of your dick while masturbating.
Some people get STDs and AIDs from having sex. I don't ever remember hearing a story about people getting an STD from someone beating their meat
End of thread.

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