This is a favorite technique of braindead extremists: they hold up a hyperradical dirtbag and implicitly equate them with ordinary people who have broadly acceptable views.

Imaging arguing that because NICK FUENTES is having problems x, y, and z ... that means YOU will too.
A lot of people are interested in debating the legitimacy of putting Fuentes on a no fly. That’s neither what my tweet was about, nor a plausible thing to believe in the first place. Thus far the only “evidence” we have is his word, which means nothing given that’s he’s a scumbag
Blocked this loser for snitch-tagging to Fuentes, who commands a troll army like you wouldn’t believe.
These people absolutely love to use this tactic. It doesn’t work. No matter how many times they say it, no one with a frontal lobe believes “if it could happen to NICK FUENTES, it could happen to you!” is a plausible warning.
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