It's complicated by the limitations of the medium. You can only put so much into a single tweet and you can only put so many tweets in a thread. As such, you have chop every thought to the bare bones. Sometimes this makes the story lean, but most times strips out nuance.

Moreover, the nature of the platform is like those traffic lanes that are double before the light but narrow to a single lane after. Engineering wise, great idea. Human nature wise, however, they become a battle for supremacy.

Twitter is like that. It brings out the worst in human nature every time. Everyone here is primed for a fight and they're going to get one no matter what, and if you point they actually agree with you, goddamn that makes them even madder.

All you can do is keep on.

Addendum: People are instantly outraged. They come here already mad. So they don't even finish reading a tweet, let alone the whole thread before responding in rage.

I mean, look at the responses to this morning's thread. NONE of them are at the end. All are in the middle.
You can follow @Stonekettle.
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