thread of questions about ships:
ship that deserved to be endgame
the first couple you shipped
your current fave ship
a ship you would fight ppl who hate on it
ship you dont like bc of the stans
your fave ship from a show you didnt/dont watch
ship that makes you hate str8s
favorite w/w ship
favorite m/m ship
ship from a book that you would have loved to see on tv
ship that shouldnt be canon
which trope you love the most
which trope do you hate
your fave non-canon/non-endgame ship
your fave canon/endgame ship
if you ship more than one ship where half of the ship died, which death hurt you the most
which ship makes you judge the shippers’ taste
which ship do you hate but love at the same time
whats your fave type of ship
ship you think more ppl should ship it
ship you wish you can gatekeep
if you can chnage the name of your fave ship, which would be the new name
your favorite all time fanfic and which ship it belongs to
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