"I think it's important not just to measure Joe Biden's performance against our individual subjective expectations, but by what the political moment requires of him."

I went on CBSN this morning to discuss how progressives assess Biden's first 100 days.

"The number one concession that @BernieSanders asked of @JoeBiden when he dropped out of the race was a $15 wage. minAnd when we talk abt what a polarized nation can get behind, what they're unified around is these quote unquote progressive policies."

"What we've learned is that no matter what a Democrat does they're going to be called a Socialist. They shouldn't allow themselves to be chased away from policies that are overwhelmingly popular because they fall for Republican scare tactics."
"Most Republicans want marijuana to be decriminalized...& yet Kamala Harris said it just wasn't a priority of the [administration]. And Jen Psaki has affirmed that even if...congress attempts to pass marijuana legalization w/o Joe Biden, there's no guarantee he would sign it."
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