Why will Colombians go out to protest from this APRIL 28?

⚠️An informative thread in English⚠️
with thousands of jobs lost, micro-enterprises closed, increasing poverty and great loss of purchasing power and consumption of the middle and lower classes+
the government seeks to increase the value of goods and services to the detriment of the social mobility of Colombians
THE WASTE OF ITS PRESIDENT Ivan Duque has spent more than 27,000 million pesos in advertising, bought armored trucks for more than 9,000 million, 9,500 million in ammunition for ESMAD and five tankers worth 7,900 million, 14 billion pesos in 24 warplanes.
ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS Colombia, shamefully occupies the position of being the place where the most environmental leaders murder in the world, were 64 in 2019
In 2020 recorded 630 murders of women in colombia and in 2021 increased by, 8.8% Since the beginning of isolation cases of violence have increased by 67%
At the end of 2020, 10% of Colombian micro-enterprises went bankrupt and 65.7% were left without cash According to figures from the DANE, unemployment increased 10.9 percentage points in 2021 with respect to 2019, that is, every day there are many more unemployed
from 2016 to 2019 the murder of 777 social leaders was recorded. Murder of social leaders in 2020 increased by 61% between January and June compared to 2019, with a total of 310 leaders killed.
The JEP reported 6,402 cases filed between 2002 and 2008, while the JEP monitored only 2,248 and the CCEEU 4,625 The killing of civilians to make victims look like combat casualties is just a specific form of extrajudicial execution+
The latest JEP report estimates that the victims today could be twice the number given, not counting the families that have not reported for fear.
there was an increase in displacement by 96.8% according to the report of the victims unit.+
168 people are displaced on average every day and four events of mass movements occur per week. The agency of the united nations for the refuges situates to colombia and the FIRST total place in the number of displaced persons
cc: @/lapolitiqueria_oficial @/primeralineacol
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