Couldn't listen to presser b/c of work, but consistent theme of shifting blame to individual #SK citizens (get vaccinated! stay at home! don't be stupid!) deliberately shifts attention from those most directly responsible: our elected leaders in government. (1/n) #COVID19SK
Many people can't get or don't want vaccine due to hesitancy & access issues. Many people can't stay at home because they work in essential front-facing jobs. Many people are trying to make best decisions but cannot do so without paid sick leave & other supports. (2/n) #COVID19SK
It is the system's responsibility, not the individual's responsibility, to address these concerns in meaningful ways. They are not simple problems, but they are absolutely critical if we're going to find our way out of this pandemic in the best shape possible. (3/4) #COVID19SK
We have called repeatedly for evidence-based measures beyond "vaccine FTW". Little has changed. I am so disappointed to listen week after week to the rhetoric of shifting blame to individual #SK citizens for our reality. Please stop blaming. Please start leading. (4/4) #COVID19SK
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