i'm sorry but when the entire conservative platform is doing things to "piss off the libs" it's hard to believe publishers are acquiring books by authors affiliated with the GOP for any reason other than to also piss off the libs. you can't tell it's based on merit or integrity
they're acquiring shock authors and they know it because shock is sensationalist and sensationalism sells
really has nothing to do with the "diversity of voices." when we say we want more diversity in the publishing industry, the minorities in need of representation are not, uh, republicans.
reminiscing about an "era" when it wasn't "controversal" to publish republican politicians--yes, when the industry's overwhelming whiteness wasn't publicly and internally questioned on the scale it is today
it's like voicing nostalgia for the american 1950s as a white person. we know why you liked it better then. it's not subtle.
truly, scrutinizing who publishers throw money at was not born from some kind of Liberal Uprising in the industry, but a growing push for respect. respecting our authors, our readers, and our staff.
we know which authors get outrageously high advances. and we know which authors do not. we know who's not making enough money when they're making the books by authors who've earned outrageously high advances.
the insinuation that there is some kind of preexisting equity among all authors and that keeping far-right authors in the fold is somehow upholding and not contrary to equity is absurd.
as with cops, politicians are not a marginalized demographic! politicians are not oppressed! the trump admin has not be robbed of a voice! they had arguably the biggest platform in the country and people died, dude. why do you wanna give THAT a book deal. MULTIPLE book deals
Kellyanne Conway & co do not need publishers to protect, defend, "save" them. they don't need your help, they don't need your money, they do not need your platform. they don't need any of it! it's insulting to act like signing them is somehow charitable
or noble? at least be honest and admit these are cash grabs. don't treat the industry like it's too dense to know what you're doing.
and you know what? BECAUSE we know what you're doing, because it's so GLARINGLY obvious how insincere it is to dress any of these deals up as equitable, it's that much easier to not believe corporate efforts to achieve ACTUAL equity.
we're aaaaall watching, and our standards just shot way the hell up.
yeah, there are typos in this thread. consider them stylistically intentional to convey unadulterated rage and contempt.
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