Arizona audit update: After the ballots are counted at the tables, they go to an inspection table. Three people sit at the table.
(There are many unanswered questions about what they are doing. I’m only going to tweet what I am 100% confident I am seeing.) #azauditpool 1/?
The first person at the table is lining up the ballot under a Canon camera hooked onto brackets. #azauditpool
That person passes to a second person who is lining up the ballot under a device that displays a portion of the ballot onto a computer screen. One of the images displayed on the screen is a filled-in bubble, and it is magnified and examined. #azauditpool
The third person then holds the ballot inside a box set up on the table. The person takes a UV flashlight and shines it on particular areas of the ballot. While I was watching, the ballot was being examined on one side in particular, and the middle. #azauditpool
It is unclear what they are looking for. After all three are done, the ballot goes back into a box. It’s unclear whether the ballots are inspected further after that. There is no scanner set up at that station.

Next update will be final one from pool for today. #azauditpool
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